2017年9月18日,塔尔萨大学(University of Tulsa)招生官Barbara Chen女士来到北京亦庄实验中学,在国际部姚晓玲老师与李庆卓老师的陪同下参观了亦中校园,在参观校园的过程中了解了学校多元多样的课程设置以及独特的校园文化。Ms Chen称赞了亦中美丽的校园,并非常认同亦中的教学理念。
下午4:30分,国际部学生在国际部4号楼106教室参加了塔尔萨大学的宣讲会。此次宣讲会增进了同学们对于该大学的整体了解,使同学们收益良多。塔尔萨大学(University of Tulsa)位于美国南部的俄克拉荷马州,也是美国最早成立的国家私立制大学之一。在宣讲会上,Ms Chen强调塔尔萨大学致力于为学生营造舒适的学习环境,除了有各专业的权威教授为学生提供全方位有针对性的指导之外,学校还提供留学生咨询、工作面试指导等多种服务。
On September 18th 2017, Ms.Barbara Chen, the admission officer from the University of Tulsa (TU), came to visit Beijing Etown Academy (BJEA). She had a campus tour accompanied by Ms.Xiaoling Yao and Ms. Qingzhuo Li from International Department of BJEA. She was impressed by the beautiful campus and spoke highly of the diverse courses the school provided.
At 4:30 pm, the students of the international department attended the info session of TU. The University of Tulsa locates in Oklahoma, USA, and is one of the oldest private schools. Ms.Chen emphasized that the core concept of the university is to provide a comfortable studying environment for all students. The university also offered other services like consulting for international students and job interviews. She also mentioned that the school was really strong in sports, and there were all kinds of activities for students to take part in. The host of info session was Genxuan Lian,the Student Ambassador from International Department. After the info session, Ms Chen talked to the students from BJEA and was looking forward to the further meeting with the students.